Love Stone™ Guide
Love Stone™ Yoni Egg Guide
Congratulations on purchasing your first Love Stone!
We honor you for saying YES to experiencing more wellness, health, and exquisite pleasure in your body with your new Yoni Egg!
Now that you have your beautiful yoni egg, it is time to start incorporating the practice into your life. You’re starting a new chapter on a journey of connecting to yourself and cultivating even more self-love.
Remember that this is a journey and not a destination. Savoring every step of it as opposed to treating it as something you “need to do” will not only make it more enjoyable, but will result in a more profound transformation. This attitude will also help make jade egg practices a part of your routine much more quickly. We naturally make time and space for activities we enjoy. Treat it like the act of self-love and self-care.
Cleaning the Yoni Egg:
Before using your yoni egg for the first time, please inspect it to see that the gem was not damaged during shipping.
For Rose Quartz:The inner cracks are normal for rose quartz. However, if you find any deep outer cracks, it means that the egg was damaged during shipping – please do not insert it into your yoni. We do not treat our crystals with fillers or resins and due to the nature of the rose quartz crystal most stones will have surface level indentations. Shallow surface level indentations and cosmetic scratches are ok if they clean easily with water. Please use at your own discretion.
After you inspect the egg, wash it with warm water and organic, unscented soap for sensitive skin, rinse it thoroughly under running water and air-dry it. This will ensure that there is nothing abrasive in the soap that can damage the surface of the egg or the energetic luster of its gemstone. DO NOT use rubbing alcohol on it, as some women are allergic to it, and DO NOT use vinegar, as it can degrade your egg. Then bring a pot of water to a boil. Let the boiling water cool to a temperature that allows you to put your finger into it without burning yourself. Then place your egg in the pot and let it soak in the water for 12-15 minutes. DO NOT pour boiling water over your egg ~ it might cause it to crack. Be sure your egg is completely cool before using it for yoni egg practice. You do not want to burn the sensitive tissue of your yoni!
Please do not boil your egg, it might cause it to crack.
Wash your egg thoroughly before and after each use.
It is also a good idea to energetically cleanse your yoni egg before using it for the first time. One of the ways to do this is by placing it in a bowl of sea salt. You can set the bowl outside to soak up the sunlight or full moonlight. You can choose to smudge it with sage or palo santo.
Once you begin your practice, you may choose to energetically clean the egg by soaking it in sea salt or rinsing it with water after each use. Be sure to do this at least once a week in any case, as the porous crystal soaks up the physical and energetic fluids of our bodies. If you have a drilled egg, the passageway might catch some of your yoni fluids, and you can clean these out by blowing through the hole and then rinsing through the drilled passage with water. Another great tool for cleaning the drilled hole is chenille stems.
Your yoni egg does not need to be cleaned with heated water after each use, although you need to wash it before and after each us.Please DO wash it with soap and sterilize it with the heated water method if you drop it in the toilet or begin your menstrual blood while wearing it. Add a drop or two of tea tree oil or grapefruit seed extract to the soaking water to kill bacteria. We recommend that you do this deep cleaning every month to reset the energy after each menstrual cycle. We do not recommend using the yoni egg during your menstrual time.
Do Not Use the Yoni Egg When:
- You are pregnant. You don’t want to jostle the uterus during pregnancy, or stir up energies or tissue release that could create contractions and compromise your pregnancy. If you have already developed a strong yoni egg practice and practiced regularly for 6 months prior to conception, you may be an exception. Still in these cases we recommend only the very passive, yin yoni exercises, and to consult your midwife or health care team first.
- You have an IUD. The movement of the egg can bump against the IUD and push it out of place. The yoni egg string can also become tangled with the IUD strings. This can reduce its effectiveness as a contraceptive device, as well as even create tears in the walls of your uterus.
- You have a Bladder, Vaginal, or Rectal Prolapse. While the yoni egg practices can prevent these conditions, we do not recommend that you use the egg if your organs are already prolapsed. Consult with a pelvic specialist or physical therapist for manual treatment and training of the specific muscles and ligaments that need to be addressed to heal these conditions.
- You have an infection of your pelvic organs.
Though it is not explicitly dangerous to your health, we do not recommend that you use the yoni egg during your menstrual time. Better to give your uterus space to release the monthly blood without adding any extra stimulus.
Jade, rose quartz and obsidian are hard stones and can last for many years. The internal cracks that you see in the rose quartz egg are normal to the material. If, however the egg starts to chip or peel or external cracks (cracks you can feel with your finger) start to emerge, then the egg integrity has been compromised. In this case please stop using this egg immediately. Crystals like Rose Quartz and Obsidian are hard but brittle. If the products are dropped on the floor they may break or crack.
How to String the Egg:
If you chose a drilled egg, the next thing you’ll do to prepare for practice is to string it with unwaxed, unscented dental floss. This is standard in modern day egg practice because it the floss is hygienic, biocompatible, and disposal. Cut off about 18inches of the floss. String the floss through both holes in your egg (you may have to lick the end or twist it to get it to go through). Then tie a secure knot with the two loose ends on the lowest portion of the strings, furthest away from the egg.
Starting the practice:
Sacred Space.
Begin your relationship with your yoni egg in a comfortable, private setting where you can take your time, relax, and honor yourself. This is a new way to get to know your yoni and you don’t want to be rushed or interrupted. You may choose to be nude or wear a long skirt without underwear.
Use any lubricant of your choice. Abundant lubrication softens the yoni tissues, encourages blood flow, and like arousal fluid, smoothes the way for the egg to move into the yoni canal. Our favorite is organic extra virgin coconut oil, as opposed to synthetic products. Coconut oil is soothing, carries antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, and is relatively inexpensive and found at the supermarket.
Warming up.
Just like with any exercise routine, it is important to warm up. The best positions for inserting the egg are squatting, in “horse stance”, standing with one leg elevated on the bed or chair, or while lying down with legs propped open on pillows. Lying down is often the most relaxed for women.
Start with a gentle breast massage. You can use a silk scarf or a strip of fabric.Breast and nipple massage is a beautiful gesture of self-care that engages the endocrine system and stimulates the kidneys where sexual energy is stored.While you are doing it, tune into yourself and the sensations in your body.Move your attention and nourishing touch to your inner thighs, then groin,perineum and vulva. You may choose to arouse your your vulva and clitoris by pressing and holding the tissue to encourage blood flow, or to heighten sensation with lubricated stroking.
When you feel ready – relaxed and aroused – warm your egg in between your two hands or in the crevice of your breasts. Place the larger end of the egg to the tissue around your yoni opening, and begin to make fluid, sensuous circles in rhythm with your breathing. Stay connected to your sense of pleasure and move in a way that feels good, whether that is arousing or simply nurturing. Listen to your yoni ~ Does she welcome the egg inside you? If not,keep following your pleasure until you feel an opening sensation. Feel for a magnetic current coming from within that softens the entrance to your yoni and suctions around the egg. Relax here and notice how the egg feels in the mouth of your yoni. You may move your hips or gently pulse the egg with pressure here at the entrance. Engaging your breath, allow the mouth of your yoni to draw the egg inside you. Do not push or force it. Just give it a gentle nudge, following the angle and direction of the current. It may take a few times of working this far in the practice just to find this relaxed, listening connection. Do not push the egg all the way up the cervix. Allow your yoni’s intelligence to draw your egg to where she needs the contact.
You may or may not be able to feel your egg inside of you, and either way is ok.
Wearing the Egg.
The first practice with your egg is to simply wear it inside your yoni for a period of time. We suggest that you start with wearing it at night while you sleep ~ one night on, one night off ~ for the first week. Your yoni will play with the egg while you rest and the crystal can do its healing work. Please keep in mind that there is a strong neurological and energetic connection, and powerful information exchange between your brain and your yoni. Sleeping with the yoni egg, especially an obsidian egg,can bring emotions stored in the tissue to the surface and cause vivid dreams and mood swings. This is a great way to work with subconscious, we just recommend to start a yoni egg practice on the weekend to allow yourself time and space to be with emotions.
During the second week, wear it about 2 hours a day (or whenever you can) 3 times a week as you are moving around the house and be sure to have suitable underwear on. You may not feel the egg at first, but the muscles of your yoni are becoming accustomed to holding the egg while you are both moving and relaxed. The muscles are actually moving around inside you and massaging themselves with the egg.They will get tired, so build up slowly and use your intuition. Your body is also receiving the healing properties of the gemstone you chose, and you may wish to integrate these changes slowly. It is generally fine to wear your egg up to 12hours at a time.
If you find that you have trouble holding the egg in as you walk around, then just start with sitting while it is inside you a few times a week for 10 or 15minutes (or whatever amount of time you have). Focus on squeezing the egg and see if you can feel it. If you do not feel any physical movement, you can focus on the pelvic area and imagine squeezing it. This will start engaging the part of your brain responsible for controlling these muscles.Be patient with yourself. You may just be attuning to these muscles for the first time in your life, and it might take some time and practice. It may also be that your pelvic floor is revealing weakness or tightness on physical, energetic, and emotional levels. The yoni egg practices can help you!
We recommend that you consult a pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor to guide you through which exercises can address your specific situation.
You might feel cramping in the few days after you begin your practice. This is normal, as muscles get sore after a workout, and it is an indicator that the egg is working its magic. If you feel unpleasant sensation or cramping during the exercise, stop and rest. Lightly massage your belly and genitals. Come back to the exercise after you rest or at another time. Do not rush and feel like you need to do it all at once. DO NOT push or strain your muscles, as this can cause damage to the tissue and interrupt the delicate neural pathways of the pelvis.
If you feel sharp pain during or after an exercise, stop immediately and seek help from a pelvic specialist or physical therapist. This might be an indicator of a serious undiagnosed condition, or a strain or tear in the pelvic floor muscles which needs to be treated as soon as possible to avoid further compromise.
This practice is not goal-oriented. It is a process, and one of the main purposes is to develop better awareness of your yoni, and cultivate self-love in your body. Practice with intention and enjoyment, as opposed to going through mechanical motions. Go slowly and savor your practice. Make time for it in your schedule. As with any routine, regular practice is better than sporadic practice. Sporadic practice is better than no practice at all.
Releasing the Egg.
The yoni egg may come out on its own during or after your practice, or when you get up in the morning after wearing it to bed.Whenever it comes out, just know that your yoni was ready to release it and rest. If you want to release it voluntarily, you can squat or sit on the edge of a chair with your hand ready to catch the egg, and gently bear down with your pelvic muscles as if you were releasing a bowel movement. (Note that the egg might come out inadvertently when you do relieve your bladder or your bowels, so be prepared to catch it!) If you are wearing a drilled egg with a string, you can gently tug on the string while doing this pushing. Do not push forcefully, but slowly and in rhythm with your breath.
The pelvic floor muscles, unlike other muscles in the body have the ability to regenerate and repair themselves in a short period of time. You can achieve any level of dexterity at any age, limited only by your desire and dedication. If one of the reasons for obtaining the egg was to build stronger yoni muscles and to gain control over them, the exercises below will help you in achieving your goals.
Many of us cannot feel our pelvic floor muscles at all. Some of us experience tension and tightness there, and some of us have such flaccid muscles that over-flexibility is a risk for damage. With the exercises below, you can begin to feel, tone, strengthen, and articulate your pelvic muscles. These are only a beginning, and should be approached slowly and with care. More advanced exercises can and should be practiced under the guidance of a pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor.Many women already experience excessive tightness of the pelvic floor which needs to be address prior to engaging in the exercises below.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that in each exercise, you balance the squeezing of muscles with the relaxation of muscles. You might find one movement easier and one more difficult, and so it is essential that you discipline yourself to do both with equal time and focus. Over-squeezing the pelvic muscles in an effort to be “strong” or “tight” can be highly damaging to the pelvis. True dexterity is found in locating both the yang and yin expressions of yoni and pelvic floor muscles.
I) Basic technique.
Perineal lift (Kegels) – Locating your PC Muscle
Simple kegel exercises are the foundation of yoni egg practice. Doing kegel exercises is already great. Doing them with a yoni egg is equivalent to doing curls with a dumbbell as opposed to just flexing the bicep muscles.
To perform these exercises correctly it is necessary to first locate your PC muscle (pubo coccygeus muscle). In order to do it, tense or squeeze the muscles of the genitals as if trying to stop a urine flow.
For the first time you can try doing it while urinating (Attention, it is not recommended to do it on the regular basis while urinating as it can cause UT infections)
If you practice yoga and have done mula bandha before you know how to engage your PC muscle. To make sure you’ve located the right muscles you can insert one or two clean fingers inside your vagina while squeezing and lifting the perineum. You might feel your finger being slightly squeezed.
Important – if you are performing this correctly no muscle movement should be seen from outside the body. Make sure you don’t feel that your stomach or gluts are being engaged. This is the beauty of the yoni egg exercises – you can do it anywhere anytime you want, no one around you will ever know.
Start your exercise routine slowly and ease into the practice.
Exercises you can do anywhere:
These exercises could be done discreetly just about anytime anywhere – at work while sitting at your desk, while relaxing at home, etc (don’t do them while driving your car!). The practice is much more beneficial, however, if performed during a dedicated time and after you’ve warmed up with the breast massage.
1) From week 2 you can start doing the “blinking”: Tighten your pelvic floor muscles as quick as you can and then relax. Try doing 10 clenches in 10 seconds. Repeat it four or five times in a row.
2) Tighten your pelvic floor muscles on the inhale, hold the contraction for five seconds, and then relax for five seconds while exhaling. Picture your yoni egg moving up and down as you breathe in and out. Try it four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 or even 15 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10-15 seconds between the contractions.
3) Elevator. On the inhale start squeezing and lifting counting one, two, three, clenching harder with each count. On the exhale completely relax in one motion. Repeat 10 – 20 times.
Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises. While contracting the muscles make sure your face is relaxed and your gaze stays soft.
2) Yoni Egg as an enhancement to other practices.
When you feel confident in your ability to hold the egg you can attend yoga, qigong, belly dance or pilates class with it, or even go on a hike. The egg will engage the muscles that would usually stay dormant during these activities and can produce some interesting new sensations and awareness. Try to remember that the egg is inside – sneezing, laughing or coughing can force it to pop out, so be ready to “catch it” with your muscles.
Note: As with every exercise routine, regular practice is much better than sporadic practice. Sporadic practice is better than no practice at all. Practice with intention and enjoyment, as oppose to going through mechanical motions will make a world of difference. Treat it like the act of self love and self care. If you are treating it as something you must do, it is better to not do it at all that day.
II) Advanced Practices:
For the purpose of the exercises listed below we will divide muscles of the vaginal canal into 3 sections. During your yoni egg practice you will learn to locate and independently move the groups of muscles in all 3 of these sections:
1) First section – the “Lower Gate”
To engage the muscles of this section imagine the sides of your labia pressing together from the right and left sides like the doors of an elevator. As opposed to the perineal lift we have discussed previously, this produces a subtle squeezing sensation. In this movement you are engaging the muscles of urethra, vagina and the rectum at the very base of the pelvis, right at the openings.
At first the sensation might feel very subtle, or you might not feel any movement at all. Do not be discouraged – you are doing something new possibly for the first time in your life. Keep practicing and focusing your attention on the areas you are engaging, your mind will soon learn and the results will follow.
Using the yoni egg we can do the following exercises:
1) Elevator. On the inhale start squeezing from the sides counting one, two, three, clenching harder with each count. On the exhale completely relax in one motion. Repeat 10- 20 times.
2) Another variation is to contract this section on the inhale and hold, completely relax on the exhale. Repeat up to 20 times.
Once you feel like you successfully performed squeezing of the lower gate from the sides try doing the same pressing in together front to back.
2. Second section – the Sacred Apex
This section is located at the very top of the vaginal chamber, immediately in front of the cervix. Engaging this area will produce the sensation as if the muscles at the base of the spine, at the sacrum, right above the anus are being contracted. Locating it might be a little tricky, so let’s try the following technique:
First stand up and put your hands on the sacrum. Squeeze together the coccyges muscles, make sure the movement is internal and you are not actually engaging the muscles of the buttocks. Try this for a few times and rest. Then inhale and squeeze the muscles together again, simultaneously pressing forward and down as if trying to get them to touch your pubic bone in front of your body. Repeat this 10-20 times until you memorized the sensation this movement produces.
3. Section three – the Pleasure Palace
This section is located in the middle of the vaginal chamber and usually is the most enjoyable part to exercise for a lot of women, hence the name. Engaging the muscles of this area will stimulate and bring blood flow to the G spot, awakening and energizing it.
In order to initially learn to move this section on its own let’s do the following:
Place one of your hands on your sacrum and another one on your belly. Imagine squeezing the muscles in the core of your being and your hands meeting each other in the middle of your vagina. You are trying to perform movement similar to closing the Lower Gate, but this time with the different section of the vagina, the middle, that can move entirely on it’s own. Once you mastered this squeeze, perform similar movement this time squeezing from the sides, imagining right and left sides of your vagina coming together. Gaining control of the middle section grants the ability to move the egg up and down, to the sides, front to back and even to tilt it.
Using the yoni egg we can do the following exercises:
1) Elevator. On the inhale start squeezing from the sides counting one, two, three, clenching harder with each count. On the exhale completely relax in one motion. Repeat 10- 20 times. Repeat squeezing front to back.
2) Another variation is to contract this section on the inhale and hold, completely relax on the exhale. Repeat up to 20 times.
Check your progress daily while in the shower. Insert your middle finger inside the vagina and squeeze the muscles right at the entrance, then in the middle section of the vagina and lastly the section closest to the cervix. Do not worry if you do not feel progress immediately. Keep practicing and soon enough you will!
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If you have any additional questions or wish to provide feedback please feel free to send us an email at