Yoni Egg FAQ
On this page you can find answers to the most common questions about the Yoni Egg practice. The information below can be applied to ben wa balls as well. If you cannot find the answer to your question after reading this page, please contact us – it’s our pleasure to support you!

General questions
What is the difference between drilled & undrilled yoni eggs?
A drilled egg has a hole drilled through the narrow end that you can put a string through, allowing you to pull the egg out when you are done with your practice. Drilled eggs can also be used without a string. Having a string allows you to attach a weight to do weightlifting exercises, or resistance training by pulling on the string.
If you choose a drilled egg, the first thing you need to do before practicing is to string it. We recommend using unwaxed dental floss or the organic silk yoni egg string offered in our shop because it is hygienic and disposable.
Choose the drilled egg option if you are more comfortable knowing that you can take the egg out at any time. Also choose the drilled egg if you want to do vaginal weightlifting or resistance training.
Some women prefer undrilled eggs because they are easier to clean after each use. Maintaining physical integrity of the crystal also preserves energetic integrity. If you are comfortable with not having a string and trust that you can expel the egg by command using your internal muscles you may choose to opt out of the undrilled egg.
With practice, every woman can learn to expel the egg on command. Remember there is no right or wrong choice. You may choose to purchase a drilled egg to start with, and later when you are more confident in your ability to expel the egg by command, get an undrilled one. Or just buy one of each now and try both!
Which yoni egg size is right for me?
Most women will find our medium size eggs (30x40mm) are the best size to start with.
The smaller the egg, the harder it is to feel it. If you gave vaginal birth recently or went through a menopause it might be easier for you to start with a larger egg. Though larger eggs are easier to feel they are also heavier, and harder to keep inside. You can still choose to start with a medium size egg, the choice is up to you.
Small eggs are not for petite women, but for advanced practitioners who have mastered control of their muscles and wish to advance their practice. You might also choose to start with a small egg if you are experiencing a lot of tightness at the entrance of your yoni.
If you are not sure which one to start with or desire to experiment with different sizes and crystals, opt for a set of yoni eggs of 3 different sizes. Read more about choosing a yoni egg.
Can I do exercises with my yoni egg?
The pelvic floor muscles, unlike other muscles in the body have the ability to regenerate and repair themselves in a short period of time. You can achieve any level of dexterity at any age, limited only by your desire and dedication. If one of the reasons for obtaining the egg was to build stronger yoni muscles and to gain control over them, yoni egg exercises will help you in achieving your goals.
Many of us cannot feel our pelvic floor muscles at all. Some of us experience tension and tightness there, and some of us have such flaccid muscles that over-flexibility is a risk for damage. When practicing with the yoni egg you can begin to feel, tone, strengthen, and articulate your pelvic muscles. Yoni egg exercises should be approached slowly and with care. More advanced exercises can and should be practiced under the guidance of a pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor.
Remember the goal is not to create tightness (which blocks pleasure and can cause pain), but to cultivate strong yet supple muscles.
Many women already experience excessive tightness of the pelvic floor which needs to be addressed prior to engaging in the yoni egg exercises that include squeezing and pulling of the pelvic floor. Every body is different and we suggest you to work with the pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor who can recommend yoni egg exercises designed specifically for you.
Are yoni eggs recommended by gynecologists?
There are many well-known doctors, gynecologists and doulas who endorse the yoni egg practice. To name a few:
– OBGYN Dr. Christiane Northrup, NY Times bestselling author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and one of the most well-known gynecologists recommends the yoni egg practice. She finds proper yoni egg exercises to be superior to doing kegels. Read more here.
– Kelly Brogan MD, NY Times Bestselling Author, recommends yoni eggs. You can read her article featuring yoni eggs here.
– Paula Mallis, founder of WMN Space, doula and fertility expert endorses yoni eggs:
“I am a fan of the yoni egg! Being open to exploring with this crystal gem gives a woman an opportunity to be more connected and attuned with her (yoni) body. I love all the benefits of the yoni egg from sexual pleasure to strengthening the vaginal walls. As a doula I recommend that my clients explore the yoni egg after giving birth.” Read more here.
There is one gynecologist who spoke against yoni eggs in her online blog, Dr. Jen Gunter back in 2017, sparking a controversy around the subject of yoni eggs. Since then, 99% of the articles online that caution against yoni eggs all quote the same article written by Dr. Gunter.
We believe that most of those who advise against yoni eggs have never tried the practice for themselves and therefore don’t fully understand the methods or benefits of using them. And we also recommend you always consult your medical professional prior to engaging in this practice.
Is the yoni egg practice dangerous?
The notion that the yoni egg practice is dangerous or harmful comes from a lack of knowledge and understanding about the practice itself.
It comes from the mistaken idea that you are supposed to just put a yoni egg inside the vagina like you would a tampon and go about your day. This understanding is incorrect – your yoni egg can create profound results, but only when it is used with awareness and intent.
Regularly placing a yoni egg inside your vagina and walking around with it without doing an intentional practice prior won’t do much, and over time can create tension in the pelvic floor. Overly tense muscles do not allow pleasure to travel and can even cause pain. When you go to the gym and lift weights you don’t just hold a dumbbell, you do repetitions and alternate between engaging and relaxing the muscles, and ideally you stretch after your workout. Same with the yoni egg exercises!
Think of practicing with it like doing yoni yoga or like a meditation with the focus on your vagina.
Yoni egg practice involves specific physical and breathing exercises that only take 10-15 minutes. The purpose of these exercises is to build strong yet supple muscles and gain awareness and dexterity. It cultivates sensitivity and pleasure potential of the vagina.
The yoni egg can also be used as a tool for self-discovery, for working with stored emotions and to strengthen connection to this part of the body. It can be a beautiful self care ritual!
Some women choose to work with the yoni egg as a part of their spiritual path.
We include a practice guide with every yoni egg order to get you started!
Precautions for those with pre-existing conditions
Please do not use a yoni egg if you have a bladder, vaginal, or rectal prolapse. While the yoni egg practices may help prevent these conditions, we do not recommend that you use the egg if your organs are already prolapsed, unless you were instructed to do so by a health care practitioner. Consult with a pelvic specialist or physical therapist for manual treatment and training of the specific muscles and ligaments which need to be addressed to heal these conditions.
It’s generally fine to use a yoni egg after a hysterectomy. As with any preexisting condition, please consult with your healthcare provider before using a yoni egg.
Do not use a yoni egg if you have an infection of your pelvic organs. Infection needs to be treated and healed prior to starting the practice.
If you have any preexisting condition not mentioned here, especially one that affects your pelvic floor and organs, please seek advice from your medical practitioner before using a yoni egg.
Who should NOT use a yoni egg?
If you have an IUD: There are no studies regarding the safety of using a yoni egg with an IUD. There is a small chance that the movement of the egg can bump against the IUD and push it out of place.
That being said, many women who use an IUD also choose to practice with a yoni egg. If you choose to use a yoni egg and you have an IUD, you do so at your own discretion. Consult a health care professional prior to engaging in this practice.
We also caution women who use an IUD against using the yoni egg with a string, since a string could become tangled with the IUD strings and pull the device.
DO NOT practice vaginal weight lifting or yoni egg resistance exercises with a string if you have an IUD – this can reduce its effectiveness as a contraceptive device, as well as create tears in the walls of your uterus.
Please do not use a Yoni Egg for your first time while pregnant. You don’t want to jostle the uterus during pregnancy, or stir up energies or tissue release that could create contractions and compromise your pregnancy. If you have already developed a strong yoni egg practice and practiced regularly for 6 months prior to conception, you may be an exception. Still, in these cases we recommend only the very passive, yin yoni exercises, and to consult your midwife or health care team. A yoni egg is a wonderful practice to embark on after you give birth and your health practitioner confirms that it is safe to do so.
Women who have any type of internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation) or a fever are advised not to practice with a yoni egg until the symptoms have passed. Also do not practice if open sores or blisters are present.
Please do not use a yoni egg if you have a bladder, vaginal or rectal prolapse, unless you were instructed to do so by a health care practitioner.
My stone is cracked or started to peel, can I still use it?
Every yoni egg goes through quality control, we check every stone for the smallest cracks and chips to make sure it’s body safe before we ship it to you.
The internal cracks that you see in the rose quartz egg are normal to the material. If the egg starts to chip, or peel, or external cracks (the cracks you can feel with your finger) start to emerge, then the stone’s integrity has been compromised (this is likely to happen if the crystal was dropped on a hard surface or boiled). If this occurs, please stop using the egg immediately.
Please also keep in mind that we do not treat our crystals with fillers or resins and due to the nature of the rose quartz crystal some stones will have surface level indentations. Shallow surface level indentations and cosmetic scratches are ok if they clean easily with water and do not have sharp edges.

Practice questions
How often should I practice with the yoni egg?
If you are not doing physical exercises with the egg, but using it in a conscious way to process emotions and as a tool for connection to self, you can use it as much as you like!
For physical practice, we recommend starting with about 10-15 minutes multiple times per week to achieve best results. You can do it every day, just keep in mind that if you’ve never engaged those muscles before they might get sore.
Treat the yoni egg practice like you would starting a new yoga routine or a new workout routine – best to ease into it and build slowly. However, if you are not feeling any negative effects and are loving the practice, you can practice every day.
We do not advise just placing the egg inside the vagina like you would a tampon and walking around with it without engaging in a formal practice prior. This will not produce positive results, and may even create tension in the pelvic floor.
Do not keep the egg inside for more than 8 hours at a time.
I do not feel the yoni egg when it is inside me, is that normal?
This is completely normal! The yoni egg is here to help you develop awareness of the inner workings of your vagina. By simply wearing it, you can increase sensitivity and gain more control. You will notice that engaging your PC muscles or being in certain body positions allows you feel the egg more.
Opposite of vibrators which can dull the senses over time and make you require more and more stimulation, ben wa balls or yoni eggs help you become more sensitive. Simply give your egg a “hug” and you will notice its delicate presence.
How should I clean my yoni egg?
Before using your yoni egg for the first time, please inspect it and make sure the gem was not damaged during shipping. The inner cracks are normal for rose quartz. However, if you find any outer cracks (the ones you can feel with your finger), it means the egg was damaged during shipping – please do not use it and immediately contact us.
After you inspect the egg, wash it twice in warm water with soap and air-dry. It is better to use natural organic non-scented body soap for sensitive skin. You can wipe your egg with cotton gauze doused in vodka or other hard alcohol you have at hand (do not use rubbing alcohol). Wash it thoroughly under running water after you do this.
Please do not boil your egg, it might cause it to crack.
Wash your egg thoroughly before and after each use.
It is a good idea to energetically clear your yoni egg before using it for the first time, and periodically after you use it. The best way to do so is by placing it in the bowl of sea salt overnight. You can choose to smudge it with sage, palo santo or sweet grass instead. With a regular practice it becomes important to energetically clean your yoni egg every couple of days.
How do I insert the yoni egg?
Just like with any exercise routine it is important to warm up the body first. It’s even better if you are at least a little bit turned on before inserting the egg.
Do anything that helps you get into your body and in a mood for practice. Turn on some music and dance! Don’t shy away from massaging and touching your body in a sensual and delicious way. Let this be a fun and enjoyable experience!
A gentle breast massage is an excellent way to warm up that beautifully compliments yoni egg practice. Breast and nipple massage engages the endocrine system and stimulates the kidneys where sexual energy is stored.
When you feel ready and relaxed, start making circles with the egg around the vaginal opening.
Gently insert the egg when you find the right angle, inserting the larger end of the egg first. Do not push it all the way up to the cervix – all you need to do is give it a gentle push and then allow your muscles to do the rest and pull it in. The best position for inserting an egg is standing in a horse stance or lying down with the knees up facing the ceiling.
Lubricant: Feel free to add any lube of your choice if you wish. Organic extra virgin coconut oil can work well. Coconut oil is soothing, and naturally has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Before inserting the egg, ask your body if she wants to receive the egg. If it’s a no, ask her what she needs to say yes. If your body still says no to inserting the egg, put it aside for today – honor her. You can still do the practice without the egg inside.
How can I remove the yoni egg?
The yoni egg may come out on its own during or after your practice, or when you get up in the morning after wearing it to bed. Whenever it comes out, just know that your yoni was ready to release it and rest.
If you want to release it voluntarily, you can squat or sit on the edge of a chair with your hand ready to catch the egg, and gently bear down with your pelvic muscles as if you were releasing a bowel movement. (Note that the egg might come out inadvertently when you do relieve your bladder or your bowels, so be prepared to catch it!)
If you are wearing a drilled egg with a string, you can gently tug on the string while doing this pushing. Do not push forcefully, but slowly and in rhythm with your breath, avoid creating any uncomfortable sensations.
I cannot keep the yoni egg inside me, what should I do?
This is very common, as most of us have never exercised vaginal muscles before. Do not be discouraged! All great achievements begin from taking the first step. Once you start practicing you can progress pretty quickly.
If you find that you have trouble holding the egg in as you walk around, then just start with sitting while it is inside you a few times a week for 10 or 15 minutes (or whatever amount of time you have). Focus on squeezing the egg and see if you can feel it. If you do not feel any physical movement, you can focus on the pelvic area and imagine squeezing it. This will start engaging the part of your brain responsible for controlling these muscles. Be patient with yourself. You may just be attuning to these muscles for the first time in your life, and it might take some time and practice. It may also be that your pelvic floor is revealing weakness or tightness on physical, energetic, and emotional levels. The yoni egg practices can help you!
We recommend that you consult a pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor to guide you through which exercises can address your specific situation.
Should I use the yoni egg while I am on my period?
Though it is not explicitly dangerous to your health, we do not recommend that you use the yoni egg during your menstrual time. Better to give your uterus space to release the monthly blood without adding any extra stimulus.
That being said, wearing yoni egg during the moon time is something you need to decide for yourself – trust your intuition. If you feel comfortable using it during your moon time, go for it! Just make sure to clean your egg thoroughly before and after each use, as you are more susceptible to infection during this time of the month. Do not wear it for longer than you would a tampon to allow blood to leave the body.
Using a yoni egg while pregnant or with an IUD?
Please do not use a Yoni Egg while pregnant. You don’t want to jostle the uterus during pregnancy, or stir up energies or tissue release that could create contractions and compromise your pregnancy. If you have already developed a strong yoni egg practice and practiced regularly for 6 months prior to conception, you may be an exception. Still in these cases we recommend only the very passive, yin yoni exercises, and to consult your midwife or health care team. Yoni egg is a wonderful practice to embark on after you gave birth and your health practitioner confirmed that it is now safe to do so.
If you have an IUD. We do not recommend using a yoni egg in this case, because there are no studies regarding the safety of using a yoni egg with an IUD. There is a small chance that the movement of the egg can bump against the IUD and push it out of place.
That being said, many women who use an IUD also choose to practice with a yoni egg. If you choose to use a yoni egg and you have an IUD, you do so at your own discretion. Consult a health care professional prior to engaging in this practice.
We also caution women who use an IUD against using the yoni egg with a string, since a string could become tangled with the IUD strings and pull the device.
DO NOT practice vaginal weight lifting or yoni egg resistance exercises with a string if you have an IUD – this can reduce its effectiveness as a contraceptive device, as well as create tears in the walls of your uterus.
Should I practice vaginal weightlifting?
Vaginal weight lifting is an ancient practice and can indeed be very powerful! If you know the correct technique you can lift weights attaching it to a drilled yoni egg. Vaginal weightlifting aids in moving sexual energy up the spine, which has incredible benefits and also builds stronger muscles.
If you’ve been using yoni egg for some time, feel pretty aware of your muscles and have a natural desire to add weights – you might really like this practice. Advanced yoni egg exercises should be practiced under the guidance of a pelvic specialist or yoni egg instructor. Otherwise weight lifting can put you at risk of damaging delicate nerve wiring and muscles of your pelvic floor.
If your pelvic floor is already excessively tight (pretty common), do not attempt weight lifting until that issue is resolved. Instead focus on practices that help release tension.
DO NOT practice vaginal weight lifting or yoni egg resistance exercises with a string if you have an IUD – this can reduce its effectiveness as a contraceptive device, as well as create tears in the walls of your uterus.
What to do if the egg falls in the toilet?
When wearing an egg throughout the day, try to remember about it when you go to the bathroom. The egg might come out inadvertently when you do relieve your bladder or your bowels, so be prepared to catch it!
It is very important to completely relax your muscles when you use the bathroom. If the egg comes out it means that you probably had enough exercise for today and it is time to rest.
However if you forgot about it and dropped it in a toilet bowl don’t get embarrassed, it has happened to the best of us! Inspect the egg for cracks. If it is intact you can keep using it after you DO wash and sterilize it.
The yoni egg is stuck inside me, what should I do?
First of all, this is no cause for concern! The egg can only travel so far and will not go past the cervix.
Relax, trust the process, and use this as an opportunity to know your body and allow the crystal to do the healing work. It is a perfect time to meditate, listen to your thought and emotions, journal.
To help expel the egg, add lubrication, like coconut oil or your lubricant of choice. Breathe deeply and relax. Squat or sit off the edge of a chair, and be ready to catch the egg if you are not wearing the underwear the will hold it. You can help hook it with your clean finger. Be gentle, do not push hard and avoid creating any uncomfortable sensations.
Vaginal muscles tend to tense unconsciously from stress, so if you are relaxed it will help the egg to come out quickly. Keep in mind that it will not hurt you if the egg stays inside for 24 hours, some couples even safely use it during the intercourse to increase pleasure for both partners.
Keep practicing and soon you will learn to expel the egg on command!
If you do not feel comfortable with the undrilled egg and would like to be able to take it out on command, you might purchase the egg that has holes you can put a string through. Drilled eggs might be used without the string as well.
Never use the egg in the rectum – unlike the vagina, the egg may get stuck there and then you are in trouble.